Vogue, ¿en blanco..?

Modelos, ilustraciones, joyería, maquillaje, accesorios y hasta enseres, son algunos de los detalles que se utilizan para engalanar la portada de Vogue, todos los meses, todos los anos… por lo menos, hasta hace poco era así.

Y es que, Vogue Italia decidió cambiar esta fórmula. La portada de la edición de Mayo 20’’, se unirá a la realizada durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y será completamente… vacía, sí, vacía.

La marca, a través de esto, quiere concientizar sobre lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo actualmente; el Coronavirus y como nos está trastocando como humanidad.

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This is not (only) a fashion magazine, by @ChiaraNonino. When asked what she thought the role of a magazine like Vogue should be, Audrey Withers, the editor in chief of Vogue UK during WW2, responded with a memo that was almost a manifesto, saying more or less this: Vogue could never again be merely a fashion magazine. It has a moral duty to cover everything that happens and that impacts the lives of the women to whom it is addressed. Fashion, of course, will always remain in the foreground, but the magazine must be openly progressive and socially committed. For one simple reason: saying nothing is nevertheless a political gesture, one that is tantamount to accepting the status quo. And this is certainly not Vogue. The pages of Vogue Italia you are leafing through today are the result of a very long history and many battles. If fashion reflects its own time, the same goes for the magazines that recount it. A simple principle that is the foundation of our magazine: from Meisel's editorials to this issue, cobbled together in little more than a week while in Italy and around the world rages a pandemic that will probably upend many of the assumptions we took for granted, forever changing our way of life and therefore the way we talk about and consume fashion. Magazines are about the immediate, the here and now. For Audrey Withers that meant being able to talk as much about beauty as war and devastation, with the same credibility. As Beaton wrote, describing a London that resisted constant bombardment with yet another English invention, the Blitz Spirit: “To spite Hitler and in spite of him, the garden catalogues arrive, and we order not only the beans and the potatoes and the spinach and the cabbages and beehives that thrive so well in London gardens, but the fibre and the bulbs of hyacinths that will enliven the darkest day at home.” Of course, those hyacinths were not essential for survival. Then again, maybe they were. Read the full text in our April Issue and via link in bio. #FarAwaySoClose

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Alexis Mateo por la Corona de Rupaul

Sí, tal y como lo escuchas, nuestra Drag Queen favorita volverá participar del Reality Show de Transformismo más importante de la televisión, poniendo nuestra bandera en lo alto.

Y cuando digo, que pondrá nuestra bandera en alto, lo digo de manera literal, y es que, Alexis llegó al set de grabación con nuestra bandera en su pecho.


Mateo ha participado anteriormente en dos temporadas (3ra y 1pra de All Star)  y ha logrado obtener las posiciones de: 3ra Finalista y 5ta, respectivamente.

Desde Belleza Bajo La Lupa, estamos muy orgullosos y esperamos que esa próxima corona de RuPaul’s Drag Race All Star Season 5, sea nuestra.

(Para ver la participación de la nuestra, y las demás temporadas, presiona aquí: DRAG RACE)